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Challenges and Opportunities of Nearfield Wireless Power Transfer Technologies

2022年10月22日 13:26 点击数:

报告题目:Challenges and Opportunities of Nearfield Wireless Power Transfer Technologies




地点:腾讯会议( ID:939-223-088)


There is a clear need for Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) to movable devices, or in special situations where direct wire connections are difficult or impossible. However, the current nearfield WPT technologies are mainly for contactless power transfer with very limited airgaps, and there are great challenges for achieving wireless power transfer over long distances on the earth. This talk will relate to the presenter’s personal research experience in the University of Auckland to review the fundamental theories behind IPT (Inductive Power Transfer) and CPT (Capacitive Power Transfer) technologies, and discuss the fundamental features, challenges, and development trends of these two nonradiative WPT technologies.


  Dr Aiguo Patrick Hu

  Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering

  Room 903-346, NewMarket Campus

  The University of Auckland, New Zealand

  Tel: +64-9-9234535 (O)

  Email: a.hu@auckland.ac.nz, a.hu@ieee.org



       呼爱国教授(Prof. Aiguo Patrick Hu )毕业于西安交通大学和新西兰奥克兰大学,新加坡国立大学博士后。现就职于新西兰奥克兰大学电气电子及软件工程学系,曾任研究生主任和科研主管副主任,兼重庆大学和西安交通大学等院校客座教授。原Power by Proxi Ltd (现被苹果并购)技术总监,西安交通大学新西兰校友会创会会长。中国科技部973重大项目海外评审专家和教育部长江学者评审专家, 及新西兰华人科学家协会主席。他在 Prof John Boys 的指导下完成了全球第一篇无线电能传输方面的博士论文,并在该领域获得50项以上发明专利,发表研究论文300多篇。获2017年奥克兰大学校长科技创业奖章。他的研究领域为无线/非接触式电能传输技术,及电力电子在绿色再生能源系统中的应用。


