
Progress with Co-phase Power Supply Technology Recognized by Experts

Time : Dec 4, 2020 Browse the number :

On December 2, the evaluation meeting of the scientific and technological innovation project "Research on Application of Interconnected Co-phase Power Supply Technology on Existing Lines of Baoshen Railway Group" from team of Professor Li Qunzhan, School of Electrical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University, was successfully held in Chengdu.

He Chuan, vice president of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chen Weirong, dean of School of Electrical Engineering, Professor Li Qunzhan, the project leader, Xie Shaofeng, vice dean of School of Electrical Engineering, Zhou Nan, vice dean of the Institute of Science and Technology Development, Xu Lianbing, deputy director of the Science and Technology Department of China Energy Investment(CHN ENERGY), Zhuo Hui, senior director, Du Bin, dean of Low Carbon Institute, Zhang Futian, deputy general manager of Shenhua Xinshuo Railway Co. Ltd., Zhou Zhicheng, deputy general manager of Shenhua Baoshen Railway Co. Ltd., Zheng Yaping, deputy chief engineer, and relevant personnel of Chengdu Shanghua Electric Co. Ltd and Shenhua Xinshuo Railway Co. Ltd. attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Xu Lianbing, deputy director.

The expert group is composed of experts from Beijing Jiaotong University, China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd., China Railway Second Engineering Group Co. Ltd., China Railway Chengdu Bureau Group Company, Power Supply Branch of Shenhua Xinshuo Railway Co. Ltd., etc.

Xu Lianbing, deputy director, first clarified the important strategic significance of the project of "Research on Application of Interconnected Co-phase Power Supply Technology on Existing Lines of Baoshen Railway Group" as a major innovative scientific research project of CHN ENERGY from the point of group's scientific and technological innovation business, affirmed the outstanding contribution of team of Professor Li Qunzhan to the project and expressed sincere thanks to the experts invited to this meeting.

He Chuan, vice president of Southwest Jiaotong University, on behalf of Southwest Jiaotong University, expressed his gratitude to CHN ENERGY for its high attention and investment in scientific and technological innovation project, clarified the historical status and significance of the project as a major scientific and technological innovation project of School of Electrical Engineering of Southwest Jiaotong University. At the same time, it is also expressed that this scientific research project will continue to work hard to complete the transformation of interconnected co-phase power supply technology into actual engineering implementation.

On behalf of the research group, Professor Xie Shaofeng, vice dean of School of Electrical Engineering, made an overall report on the project, gave detailed answers to questions raised by experts in the pre-acceptance meeting, and put forward the follow-up solutions. Afterwards, the participants went to Chengdu Shanghua Electric Co. Ltd., Research Institute of Southwest Jiaotong University at Tianfu New Area, to inspect the co-phase power supply device. After the overall investigation and evaluation of the power supply unit and test platform, the acceptance team and the expert group enquired and reviewed the project results, finally formed an acceptance report of the scientific project which showed that the project has completed all the research contents stipulated in the contract and the mission statement, and achieved the anticipated goal.

The successful acceptance of the scientific research project of "Research on Application of Interconnected Co-phase Power Supply Technology on Existing Lines of Baoshen Railway Group" provides an advanced and feasible technology and equipment scheme for the implementation of interconnected co-phase power supply project of electrified railway. As the technological innovation technology initiative domestic and leading worldwide, the successful acceptance of this project opens a new scientific and technological door for traction power supply of Chinese electrified railway.


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