
2021 Freshmen Orientation Was Successfully Held

Time : Sep 14, 2021 Browse the number :

On September 11,2021 freshmen orientation was held at XiPu Campus. Prof. Chen Wei-rong, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Mr. Luo Qian-chao, Secretary of the Party Committee, Mr. Xu Ping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Railway Wuhan Electrification Bureau Group Corporation Shanghai Electric Co, Prof. He Xiao-qiong and Prof. Hu Hai-tao, deputy dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, and other faculties attended the meeting.

Dean Chen told the story of "The Long Lineage, the Light of Electricity" and introduced the development history of the college. He gave a message to the freshmen, hoping that they will inherit the electrical spirit of "Virtue and Innovation", develop excellent skills and knock on the door of the future with unremitting struggle!

Mr. Luo talked about the struggle of electrical predecessors, such as Professor Cao Jian-you, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and founder of the discipline of railway traction electrification and automation; Professor Qian Qing-quan, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Professor Li Qun-zhan, pioneer of the theory and technology system of new generation traction power supply system, Professor Gao Shi-bin, pioneer of traction power supply integrated automation system and 6C system. Finally, Mr. Luo encouraged everyone to remember the original intention with the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "If the young generation has ideals, skills and responsibilities, the country will have a future and the nation will have hope!”

Mr. Xu Ping, the representative of outstanding alumni, told his professional growth, "Rooted in the business of rail electrification, serving the needs of the country". Xu Ping put forward some suggestions to the growth of the freshmen. One is to have firm confidence and grasp the opportunities. As an electrical student, it is more important to take up the mission of the times and add bricks to the construction of the country. Second, choose a good platform and set a goal. Third, stick to the original heart, loyalty and responsibility. Students should inherit and carry forward the "railway soldier spirit", struggle for life and defy difficulties.

Jin Jiaqi, the outstanding student representative of Class 2018, told his personal story, "My Days in Jiao Tong University". He advised the students to seize the opportunity to actively participate in various competitions to build a good foundation and cultivate interest in science and technology creation; to determine their own direction, calm down, be firm in their goals and improve their overall ability; and to learn to ask questions and be willing to communicate to make more efficient use of resources.

After listening to the electrical stories, students expressed that they had deepened their understanding of the college and felt proud to join the College of Electrical Engineering. Finally, Mrs. Xie Li  hoped that all students would remember Dean Chen's request and message, and uphold the electrical spirit of "Virtue and Innovation".


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