时间:2023-09-04 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Understanding the IEEE Journal Peer-Review Proce...
时间:2023-08-19 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
讲座主题: Understanding the IEEE Journal Peer-Review Process – A Detailed Walkthrough报告人: Fei Gao(Professor, IEEE Fellow)主持人: 李奇 教授报告时间:...
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Robotics and Artificial Intelligence: Now and Fu...
时间:2023-07-11 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
讲座题目:Robotics and Artificial Intelligence: Now and Future报告人:Jason Gu主持人:黄德青 教授报告时间:2023年7月12日(周三)10:30报告地点:10号教学楼X1...
详细> 7月5日“创源”大讲堂:Power Management and Load Transient Mitigation of Fuel Cell Syste...
时间:2023-07-03 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
讲座题目:Power Management and Load Transient Mitigation of Fuel Cell Systems报告人:Caisheng Wang主持人:陈健 助理教授 时间:2023年7月5日(周三)9:30(上午...
详细> 6月12日“创源”大讲堂:Distributed Adaptive Consensus for Uncertain Multi-agent Systems
时间:2023-06-09 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Distributed Adaptive Consensus for Uncertain Multi-agent Systems报告人:温长云,新加坡工程院院士、IEEE FELLOW、新加坡南洋理工大学终身教授主持人:黄...
详细> 6月7日“创源”大讲堂:Immersed finite elements and their applications to the problems o...
时间:2023-06-06 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Immersed finite elements and their applications to the problems of charging in space报告人:Xiaoming HeDepartment of Mathematics and StatisticsMi...
详细> 6月5日“创源”大讲堂:少机械部件电机系统
时间:2023-06-02 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
详细> 6月5日“创源”大讲堂:Parasitic Capacitance in Medium-Voltage Inductors
时间:2023-06-02 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Parasitic Capacitance in Medium-Voltage Inductors报告人:Hongbo Zhao Postdoc, Incoming Assistant Professor, Department of Energy, Aalborg Universit...
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Next Generation Power Devices: Challenges, Possi...
时间:2023-05-23 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Next Generation Power Devices: Challenges, Possibilities, Opportunities in Wind Turbine Applications报告人:Dr. Stig Munk-Nielsen,the Department o...
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Power Device Packaging and Reliability
时间:2023-05-23 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Power Device Packaging and Reliability报告人:Josef Lutz,a German physicist and electrical engineer主持人:苟斌 副教授,西南交通大学bv1946伟德手机版时...
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Advances in Wireless Transfer Technology
时间:2023-05-19 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Advances in Wireless Transfer Technology报告人:Udaya K. Madawala Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University of Au...
详细> “交通赋能 筑梦电气”国际学术交流活动:Introduction to Wireless Transfer Technology
时间:2023-05-19 来源: 作者: [点击率:]
报告题目:Introduction to Wireless Transfer Technology报告人:Udaya K. Madawala Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, The University o...